it's the official tan of the Dallas cowboy cheerleaders!!!!


Well, we have spray tanned. We ended up driving around for a bit last night as both Sarah and I had crazy enough days that we each forgot to look up the address.

Once we found it, we checked in. It was the desk girl's first day and the check in process took some time. They took my fingerprint with a biometric scanning device. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I guess its ok, it just really surprised me that a spray tan place would go to that length to identify its patrons. They said it was there so that people can't use each other's packages.

I was a little leery that Ms. First-day-on-the-job was giving us bad spray tan instructions. Luckily her supervisor (they both must have been 18) also gave us an overview. The spray tan takes place in a booth. Once completely naked, the tanner stands on a metal oval. The spray then does one coat on your front, you turn, then one on your back.

Here are the "lessons learned" that I sent to Sarah:

Evenness -

I think the insides of my legs didn't get any spray. Also, the thumb side of my hands are quite a bit darker than the pinky side. I think I'll try moving a little next time. The hands might be uneven because I realized that I forgot the lotion on the palms of my hands right when the spray hit me, so I might have turned them.

Smell -

That self tanning smell came on strong about an hour post-spray. Leo said I smelled like stale potato chips. But, it washed off, so that's no big deal.

Mess -

No tanning solution rubbed off on my clothes or sheets.

Color -

I wish the backs of my arms were just a bit darker. Other than that, I think this is a good and realistic Michigan winter color and it's dark enough that it will be easy to tell my skin from the wedding dress.

I had forgot to remove all makeup and wash my face beforehand. I debated on whether or not I should wash my face: if I did, it would be lighter than the rest of me, but if I didn't fate would ensure that I got a mega wedding zit. I ended up washing my face. I realized that - no matter what - the color would not have lasted until the wedding but any damage I may have done to my face by not washing it would.

I'm going back before the wedding.

Well, I just polished off a mystery meat wrap from the caf. Really, the food quality of our company cafeteria is so far behind that of an elementary school it is amusing.

I'd better go write my bridal shower thank yous now. The last batch of thank yous I sent out were mildly threatening, I hope these don't turn out weird.

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