metric time


That Nelly sure can write catchy songs.  I have that "hey, must be the money" song going through my head (you know what I am talking about).

Before I forget, let me officially notify you that we, as a planet are moving to a 10-based time system which I have named "Metric Time" effective immediately.  I am sick and tired of converting numeric data from outmoded database systems that don't have time formats to a 60 based time system.  There will now be fourteen hours in a day with an extra forty minutes to be spent watching Law and Order reruns with no commercials.  We will spend only five of those hours working, and get only five hours of sleep a night.

While we are at it, I'd like to change the week to five work days - one day break - five work days - four day weekend.  This system may initially adversely effect the cleanliness of my house, but at least I'd get two mini-vacations per month. 

On Saturday, I met my first monk.  He had a crazy mustache (it went from his jaw line, over his lip, then down to his jaw line) and he had a very large tattoo on his arm.  Brother Cadfael he ain't.  But he was a nice fellow and I spent the morning weeding a Michigan indigenous plant garden.  

My latest money saving idea for the wedding is to coordinate "sponsorships" of various things in the ceremony or reception.  My sister kind of gave me the idea.  I could list things like "a share of the flowers - $50" and then people could cut me a check for that in lieu of a present.  And then I would thank that person in the program.  Then it would feel like the wedding would be part of a community event, plus we would have a decent wedding and the guests wouldn't need to worry about wrapping presents. 
Any thoughts?  Leo says it sounds tacky.  But I'm working on him. 

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