events planning for aging hipsters


Over lunch, Shannon and I decided that we need to start an events planning service for aging hipsters.� Its high time they all got married anyway.� We figured we'd drag Sarah in to the operation, she'll have to figure out what dresses go with heavy black plastic glasses.� Someone needs to Vera Wang the rest of the wedding industry.� There's still way too many wedding related items with pictures of child cowboys holding hands.�

Why are there so many wedding things with children????� It's creepy.

If we could put together a hip videographer (Shannon), photographer (Davidde), DJ (Carleton), Caterer (moi, of course) and Sarah could coordinate the decoration, dress, and whatnot...we'd have a darn hip wedding (for the aging hipster).� Besides, Davidde and Carleton (who know nothing of this) are already doing weddings.

So, who wants to be the first to sign up?

Decafalon: The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.

I'm on Day 3 of the South Beach diet.� I've lost two pounds.� I've eaten more vegetables than I normally would.�

I have a big thing with diets.� I've never been on one before.� I feel like, as a young white woman, diets are stereotypical.� It still makes me uncomfortable to order a diet soda in a restaurant.� As if the waitress cares...� Anyway, it's been all veggies and lean protein for three days now.� I was pretty much doing that anyway, before.� But Cheez-its have always been a weakness.� Plus, there is no alcohol in the first two weeks.� And I live with someone who is never without wine.

I have thirteen more days before I can have fruit and wine again.� I'm glad I didn't try to do this in the summer, it would have been really hard to resist fruit.� I haven't missed potatoes, rice or pasta at all.� All of the people in the book (there's Q & A sections) talk about how they have bread with every meal.� I can't imagine.� I like to make bread.� And I do like homemade bread, fresh from the oven.� But I have no problem resisting dinner rolls or sandwich bread.

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