Schwest and Killer Fish


Unauthorized celebrity guest entry from Schwest:

Here's a link to news about the northern snakehead that is about to eat all of Maryland.  It walks, can breath air, survives 3 days out of water, lays 100,000 eggs a year, can survive anywhere from the tropics to Siberia (it can live under ice!), eats anything including its young, has fangs.  Experts have been unable to kill it using poison and they say it "resists exploding"!?!  If you catch one, they recommend draining it.

And here's a link to an article about the Asian Carp which was brought to Mississippi from Asia as a scum sucker to clean up around catfish farms.  But they got loose and swam up the Mississippi River.  The eat absolutely anything and can grow to be 5 feet long and 100 lbs.  Their other problem is that when they get scared they jump 10-12 feet out of the water.  It's not uncommon for the fish to knock people out of their boats and severely injure them.  They are about 25 miles outside of Lake Michigan.  Once they get in there they will take over all of the Great Lakes.  Daley's brilliant idea is to set up electric barriers but the problem is they are having trouble finding a high enough voltage to kill these things!  And imagine how they will hurl themselves onto the banks of the river and kill people.
This is what Homeland Security should be worried about not Ossama.

And how about that giant squid, huh?

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