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Two things I came across today that do not need to exist:

An ice bucket for the bathtub

and a waterproof TV for the bathtub

I have now developed wedding induced Alzheimer's. It is completely beyond the capabilities of my brain to remember everything I'm supposed to do. So I have lists everywhere.

I started out by planning out routes for something big, like my lunch hour ("I'll stop by Michael's for flower pots and paint, then go to the Rite Aid next to it and by pantyhose, then I'll get gas, pick up RSVP cards at mom's then swing through Arby's"). Now it's gotten so that I do that for the littlest thing ("If I use the bathroom upstairs, I can go past the kitchen, pick up the Christmas cards, drop them in the study, then I'll move that cardboard box to the hall so I remember to take it out").

The only good thing about this wedding stress is that it is almost as powerful an appetite suppressant as divorce stress. I'm dropping pounds left and right.

A week from tomorrow!! This is so damned all consuming, I just don't know what I'll have to think about in January. Hmmm, it's completely taken my mind away from the fact that my THIRTIETH BIRTHDAY is in three weeks. Blech. I'll go back to stressing out about the wedding.

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