I'm an IT CIT


I've always wanted an intern of my very own.  I picture a beautiful mentor/mentoree relationship, where I can hand off the priceless pearls of wisdom that I have acquired in the glamorous realm of automotive IT.  So, when my boss told me that I was going to actually have an intern, I was thrilled.  I immediately thought of all sorts of projects that my helper monkey..er, I mean, intern would work with me on. 

A couple days later, I was speaking to a VP.  He said "I'm so glad that you decided to help with the e-commerce summer camp".  Summer camp?  He explained that, instead of the usual 22 year old computer science major interns that we normally get, we'd be getting 17 year olds from Detroit public schools.  In addition, there is a good chance that these kids have never touched a computer.  Oh, and by the way...there will be three of them.  So, I have to find stuff for three new-to-computers high school kids to do while completing my regularly scheduled job.  No problem.

They start tomorrow.  A big yellow school bus (I am not making this up) will drop them off at 1 pm.  Wish me luck.

Last night, we watched "Like Water for Chocolate" in my Spanish class.  I had read the book when it came out, and I really liked it.  I never got around to seeing the movie.  It sucked.  A lot.  It cut out a lot of the good parts so that the movie was one heavy petting/naked scene after another (my mostly 18 years old class handled it very well, though).  The movie adaptation seemed just plain crazy; it lacked the "magical realism" of the book.  Plus, it was in Spanish so I couldn't understand one darn word.

In case you wanted to know, this is the World's Largest Catsup Bottle
(Is there another, competing monument that claims to be the world's largest ketchup bottle?)

It looks like we will be around when they christen the cruise ship.  I've always wanted to see that.  There will also be a "gala luncheon" (can a luncheon truly ever be a gala?) but it's invitation only and I can't imagine that we will be invited.  But still, we will be able to see the champagne bottle break.

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