18 work days until shut down


It's blizzarding here.

I had my high school reunion. It was far less juicy then the last. Most people were married and have children, but there were still a good bunch who, like me, are still far too immature for that sort of thing. Thanksgiving went well. The pastured turkey was quite good, but I'm not sure what to attribute to brining and what to attribute to the bird. I'll have to do a controlled experiment next time.

Gibson and I saw the geodesic dome on Sunday. We were so excited about it. All weekend we made Death Star jokes. It was a huge disappointment. The place was falling apart. There was a significant portion of the house that did not have heat. It wasn't that the ducts were broken, there just weren't any ducts in that mini-dome. Needless to say, heat is a requirement.

The good news is that we do have plenty of time. House hunting is really wearing on me though. I have school three nights a week, so there is only a small amount of time available for looking. That time used to be reserved for laundry and studying, so now I have to do that on my lunch hour.

Oh well. 18 work days until shut down.

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