and the natives rejoiced


During a week of near round the clock commitments, I was so looking forward to last night. Sure, I worked all day yesterday, then went to night school. But afterwards? I had nothing to do. That's right, from 8 pm onwards yesterday, I had planned on reading and then going to sleep very early. The night before, I ended up staying awake until midnight (raucous bridal shower). I know a lot of people regularly get only six hours of sleep, but I can't do it. Plus I was so dehydrated and tired yesterday that I felt like I had a hangover, even though I had only had 1 small glass of beer the night before.

Around 9, I went to bed and immediately drifted off to sleep. An hour and forty-five minutes later I woke up to screaming, honking horns, gunshots and explosions. Luckily I knew exactly what was going on. When the Red Wings won in 1997 I was not so lucky. I had just moved into a new neighborhood when I was, once again, woken by gunshots and explosions. I am not a sports fan by any means, it never occurred to me that in mid-June there would be a hockey championship. I mean, it's hot out, what are these people thinking?

Anyway, I rolled my eyes several times and sighed heavily then went to go close all of my windows. Thank goodness that it cooled off recently, otherwise I would have died of heat exhaustion. As I was making the rounds of my apartment, I stopped in the bathroom to, um, take care of some personal business. So as I was sitting there with my head right next to a window, when I heard the loudest explosion of my life. The explosion had scared me so much that I think I hurt my neck while reacting. I stood up as I expected my neighbors to run out of their house in a panic to make sure that their 1970's conversion vans were alright. Instead, I see Willie Nelson brother #2 come up the drive way, scraggly hair streaming behind him held back only by his "Official Breast Inspector" baseball hat say to Willie Nelson brother #1 "Ah guess wheeze mighta swell set off them others".

The car honking, screaming, and explosions carried on for quite some time. Simply closing the windows didn't work so I tried a combination of running the fan for white noise, ear plugs and a sleeping pill. That did the trick. I only hope that the recent immigrants in my neighborhood knew why this was happening. The first time I experienced it, I truly thought it was a riot. I can't imagine what they must think. Welcome to Detroit.

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