call me sunshine


David Blaine needs to complete a Sarbanes-Oxley audit as his next stunt.

I'm so slap happy at this point that I just started laughing, for no reason. Which was awfully embarrassing because I am in a big room full of people. I'm cracking up. SOX may steal my soul. Why, oh why did I move to auditing? Actually, I really like the other stuff, but this SOX thing is a pain. Plus, the guys have decided that our work room should be kept at a constant 15 degrees. And they've started calling me sunshine, as they are under the (entirely false) impression that I complain a lot.

I heard an ad on the radio last night for a ram's blood drive. I thought they meant a "ram's blood" drive, but it turns out that the Ram's are a team. Which is good, because a ram's blood drive would be icky and rather mean (except not if it helped rams in need).

I'm very much over being the only girl on this audit. If I have to hear one more sports conversation, my head will spin around and I will projectile vomit green goo. Have I mentioned that the casino we are staying at is surrounded by a septic field? Oh, and I don't have a rental car. Just driving down the driveway in the morning makes me gag.

And one of the other auditors keeps wanting to go to Hooters. I've never been to Hooters, and I don't actually know if I should be offended by Hooters or not. But I have decided that we will not go to Hooters ever, just because it might be offensive. So, every time he brings it up, I have to say that I just went there the night before so I don't have to get into some philosophical argument that I'm sure I wouldn't win. Of course, if it came down to Fuddruckers or Hooters I might cave in. Why has my life come to this? WHY???

I've been told the Boston trip will be a boondoggle. Thank goodness for that. Because this sucks.

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