root beer lip gloss


The good news:

Detroit is more fun than Las Vegas, Orlando, New York City and New Orleans.

The bad news:

Cranium is wrong.(Does this look like fun?)

I�m actually starting to get busy at work.Amazing, no?One of my absolute most favorite activities of the new job is the bi-monthly conference call with Europe.The content of the call is not interesting, it�s the delivery.There�s one dour and down to business German, a hyper Spaniard and a blas� Mexican.The accents get me every time.�� Today, the Spanish guy was talking about someone in Sweden named Jorgen, but it came out as Urine.HILARIOUS! Almost as funny as when a Mexican guy in Lansing told me the local paper is called the State Urinal (State Journal).The fun never ends�

I had a doctor�s appointment yesterday.I sat in the room for almost an hour before he showed up.So I decided to text message people.Why is text messaging so popular in Europe?It is the penultimately least efficient form of communication (second only to smoke signals).Plus, I sent out all sorts of fun animations that no one could play.Where is the fun in that?

I ordered all of the supplies for the lip gloss making extravaganza!I am especially hyped about the root beer flavoring.When I was five, I got a giant toy soldier shaped root beer lip gloss in my stocking.I remember crawling underneath my dad�s desk that afternoon and eating the whole thing.Mmm-mmm, lip gloss.Now, at age 29, I think I�m finally ready to possess root beer lip gloss without eating it (at least not ALL of it).��

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