that's just a fancy name for bad heart burn


First, there was the phone call from my father on Friday:

Dad: We've had some health problems around here lately, First, Sheri (my step-monster) had a sinus infection...(he went on to give graphic details of the sinus infection)...and then I went to the hospital because I was having chest pains.

Me:� What happened??!!!?!

Dad: Well, the did an EKG, then a non-stress test.� I had to stay overnight.� Turns out that I had...��������

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So, I raced home to call him.� And it was busy.� It was busy for 20 minutes.� I became more and more panicked.� A guy at work who is younger than my father just had a heart attack and bypass surgery.��

Finally, I get a hold of him.

Dad:� Sorry about that.� Sheri had a business call.


Dad:� Well.... it turns out that I have acid reflux disease.��

I think I cackled at that point.��

I really thought he had had a heart attack.

The Swedish party went alright.� I think that I was officially inducted into Shannon's mother's social circle.� Shannon's mom wasn't there, but a lot of her friends were.� I talked about Carla on more than one occasion, which is weird because I don't make a habit of calling my friend's mothers by their first names.� I was, once again, asked to join the AAUW.� I guess they have a cooking group.

What is the point of the AAUW anyway?� I imagine that, when it started, that women with college degrees needed a support and networking group.� Now that most women have degrees (at least in urban America), what's the point?� I just don't get it.� But they do have a sweet book sale where I once got a first edition Betty Crocker cookbook!

I've been busy, busy, busy.� No word yet on that possible promotion.

BTW, I'm planning a Triumphal Return party for Shannon.� There WILL be flaming pumpkin weenie roasts.� I might even construct a triumphal arch on Warren, if time permits.

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