exhausted and on the move


The folks at work threw me a graduation luncheon.� It was really quite touching.� My group does not usually throw parties, so it made today's celebration all the more special.�

We had some people over for dinner last night.� One of them (that I haven't seen in ten years) asked me what I do.� Normally I say "I'm a programmer" and hope that does it for that subject.� But he kept asking.� And then next thing you know, I'm talking about tying a manufacturing bar code system through an RF network to the ERP.� I'm quite certain that he was only trying to be nice, as no one could possibly want to talk about manufacturing technology, unless that person also works in the industry.� As I always say, there is a reason that Mattel does not make a manufacturing IT Barbie.� It is very, very boring and no one really wants to think about it if they aren't being paid to.

So we got very little sleep last night.� This afternoon we will drive to Gettysburg to stay in a (supposedly) haunted B&B.� Then we will be in D.C. on Saturday.� Then, to top off all of this traveling fun, we get to watch Leo's brother graduate on Sunday afternoon and then drive from D.C. to Detroit.� Oh, the glamour!

Last thing - Mrs. W surprised me with a gorgeous deign for our wedding invitations.� I won't steal my own thunder by showing you now, just await them in the mail with baited breath.

Oy vey - I'm pooped.

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