one dead cat and an army of stinky fish


Oy vay.� That's the day I've had so far and it's not even half over.�

It all started when I was late to work and saw a dead cat in the road.� Normally, road kill is rather unrecognizable, but this looked like a cat with cartoon tire tracks down it's middle.� I simultaneously gagged and took a sharp breath because it looked like my dearly departed Mr. Pookums.�

It turns out that Leo left his car keys in my car.� Unfortunately, we didn't figure this out until he had already spent 2 hours scouring the house.� So I had to quickly drive home and drop off his keys.� Which gave me time to stock up on the Natural Cheetos that I have been eating all weekend.� Not a good way (nutritionally) to start off the weekend.

On Saturday, we had Davidde and Sarah over for dinner.� Then we went to the symphony.� The concert got a really bad review in the paper, but I figured that I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.� I was wrong.� The most entertaining part is that Davidde was almost kicked out of the performance.�

On Sunday, some more people came over.� I had never met one of them and I knew I was in for an evening of putting my foot in my mouth.� Back when I had a job that dealt with the public, I was personable.� No Dale Carnegie or anything, but personable.� Now that I do nothing but sit in front of a computer for hours on end, I can barely communicate.� Whatever well-intentioned thought is in my mind always comes out as unintelligible or insulting.� I think I did ok, but it was uncomfortable.�

I brought some left over cioppino for lunch today and it is all I can smell.� I threw away my tupperware, I even emptied my garbage and yet the fishy smell remains.� It is driving me nuts.

I have to buy what seems like thousands of graduation presents this month.� I got Leo's sister this platter.� I like it.� I was going to get her a tagine, but I don't actually know if she likes Moroccan food so I decided a platter will be better.� It's always so much easier for me to buy presents for women.� Her graduation isn't until the end of next month.� I have no clue what to get the others.� BTW, if anyone wants to get me a present (and why wouldn't you?) I love the tiles on that site.� Maybe the cookbookarium needs a mosaic halfway up one wall.� I'm thinking I could intersperse white tiles with the painted ones.� We shall see.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I will be playing scrabble with a shut-in tonight.� The shut-in is going to kick my butt.� Plus, I'm having dinner with my mom.� She's on the Atkins diet and I am still doing the vegetarian thing for Lent.� So, between the two fo us, we'll lick the platter clean.� And whatnot.

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