April blizzards bring May...?


There is a white-out blizzard going on right now.

Back when Ossama bin Laden was scary but not soul-shockingly frightening (1993 - 2001) I often thought of him as the "international master criminal" in every cartoon.� Isn't it funny that on television nation-threatening events were always perpetrated by an individual (the Penguin, the Joker, etc.) while in real life it was always a country (U.S.S.R, Cuba, etc.)?� So, in a classic case of reality imitating television, we finally have an individual to fear.�

Those cartoons always contained one of about five standard plots.� One of those plots was a "weather machine" that the bad guy used to upset the world's weather in order to drive the human race into famine and then the bad guy would assume full dictatorial control.� We have come this far in the post-cold-war Super Friends terror paradigm, could it be possible that bin Laden is responsible for this snow storm?� Something to think about.

Gibson took me out for breakfast on Saturday to a place near our house.� I had the most spine-meltingly delicious German apple pancake of my life!� One side was puffed up about four inches, the crust was nice and chewy and the sugar from the cinnamon glaze had caramelized perfectly.� The apples were clearly fresh and the accompanying hash browns were crusty.� They even had Red Hot.� Usually the answer is "we have Tabasco, is that ok?".� I always say yes, but it really isn't ok.� It isn't ok at all as Tabasco sucks hot sauce booty.

Some friends came over on Sunday.� One of them has a chronic disease.� Then we went to church, where people with sad stories have been sharing their "faith experiences" with the congregation.� All in all, I have an overwhelming of just how damn lucky I am.��

Oh!  Stop what you are doing and go read this article! Not only is it fascinating, but it contains no references to RPGs, shock and awe, or wounded civilians.

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