April Fools


Ah, April Fools Day.� The day my sister and I dreaded.� My mother, who is a perfectly normal, loving and caring mother 355 days a year, became a maniacal trickster every April first.� She saved up all of her parental frustration for a solid year to let fly at us on April Fools.�

I remember when she short sheeted my five year old sister's bed.� She would hide rubber creepy crawlies in our morning breakfast.� She owned some rubber dog poop that she'd always put somewhere frightening.� She once served me flat grape pop in a mug instead of coffee.� She made a pineapple upside down cake with cherry tomatoes instead of cherries.� She served my sister mashed potatoes with hot fudge instead of ice cream.�

I was going to have lunch with her today, but - luckily - she is busy.� I'd hate to find a rubber centipede in my sushi.

Here's my own April Fools e-trickery:


Boy, am I childish.� The scripture this week was all about judging people by their behavior and not their appearance.� I side with the Onion article about stereotypes in that judging by appearance saves time.� I am all about efficiency.

Oh!� I almost forgot.� Lest anyone here is contemplating going to law school (you know who you are) let me just tell you that Leo got up at 4 am and started working yesterday.� He came home at 9 pm and then got up again at 4.� Keep in mind that his getting ready routine consists of brushing his teeth, so that was all work time.� Law - just say no.

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