at the HoopDeDoo


I have a big static cling problem. The humidifier in the new house doesn't work and my portable broke. The air at work is always so dry that it looks like my pants have been shrink wrapped to my legs. Everything I touch gets a spark first . Pleasant, it ain't. Plus, I think my contacts might permanently adhere to my eyeballs. Fourteen days until we are in a more temperate and, hopefully, moister Floridian climate.

I'm a little apprehensive about this trip because Leo's family will be there. They didn't plan their vacation around us, they just happen to go to Disney World every six weeks. It works out well because they are going to take us to dinner (almost every night), plus we are going to go to Cirque de Soleil. Which is convenient, because Leo and I don't have two dimes to rub together. I'm apprehensive because they last did this trip in December with Leo's brother's fianc�e. I don't know much about her, never met her, but I feel like I will be compared to her�and lose. I know she is rich, and probably Catholic. I'm sure she's never been married. Plus she submitted to wear a silly hat on family silly hat day. To be honest, I don't want to wear a silly hat. Ever. Silly hats are best left to stoners at outdoor concerts and the year 1993. But I will do it if they ask.

They always go to something called the HoopDeDoo Review. Then the refer to it with phrases like "when we were at the HoopDeDoo�.". Plus they refer to characters within the HoopDeDoo as if everyone would know them. I'm not so sure that I want to be that well acquainted with the HoopDeDoo Review.

All in all, I'm sure it will be fine. Leo will golf. I will, um, read or something. We will both be warm, which is the whole point. Plus we will not pay for dinner, which is a very big bonus.

And speaking of dinner, Leo informed me that Jacques Pepin will be the executive chef and will likely be onboard our cruise. I'm hoping that the other 648 people onboard will be completely consumed with other aspects of the cruise and I can have Jacques all to myself.

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