News from Lake Choldergone


Where I'm the only good looking woman and there are no children.

Have I mentioned that I am the newest member of the Chocovision family? It's true. I have purchased a Chocovision Revolation 1 chocolate tempering machine (it is designed with the homemaker and hobbyist in mind).

In other news, Dante is still older than me.  I'm quite proud of this, too often I seem to be the oldest.

I was sick all week.  For the first time ever, I saw a doctor who appeared to be younger than me.  He had a Randy Travis / Joe Dirt style long mullet.  He was very nice, and even listened to me.  This makes me think that he must have been a cleaning person impersonating a doctor.

Everyone is quitting here.  I think I'll be the only person left in a month or two.  Plus, I had a couple of trips to the doctor recently.  This is the excuse everyone uses when they interview.  I really went to the doctor, I hope my boss doesn't think I'm interviewing and fire me.  We get reorganized almost weekly now.  I'll be living in a box before fall.

Shannon is all jet setting and famous now with her moving to Europe and getting published in Vanity Fair.  I do hate it when my friends become successful.  She will be serving me margaritas tonight, so i guess that makes up for it.

Schwest is coming home this weekend.  Leo and I plan to smoke a pork shoulder in celebration. 

Leo and I have posted the draft version of  Soon it will be teeming with wedding related info.  Right now, it just has our org chart.



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